Seth Davidson is a proud husband, father, pastor, leader, and friend. Seth has over 20 years of church leadership experience as a church planter, lead pastor, discipleship pastor, and student/college pastor, and he and his wife Holly and children, Drew and Stella, are very pleased to call Leawood Presbyterian Church home.


The Davidson family has deep roots in Kansas City, they are die-hard sports fans (go, fight, win Jayhawks!), and are passionate about their neighborhood and school communities (there’s nothin’ greater than a Raider!).


Seth received his Bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Kansas State University and his Master’s degree in Theological Studies from Nazarene Theological Seminary, and he is thrilled to have the opportunity to steward his gifts of ministry development, disciple-making, and organizational leadership as Executive Pastor at LPC.

“The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” - Frederick Buechner